Tree Cutting and Stump Removal
Martel Foresterie Urbaine: Tree Cutting
This involves the complete removal of the tree to a height of only a few centimeters above the ground, without removing the stump. Trees are usually cut in sections in order to minimize the risk of damages. The property owner is responsible for obtaining a permit to remove the tree where required. We strongly recommend that you contact your municipality before undertaking this type of work
Useful Information
If you opt to keep the cut wood, all pieces of wood produced by tree cutting or pruning that have a diameter of 10 cm (4 inches) or more will be left on site, not split and cut to the chosen length.
Stump Removal
Shredding of the stump is accomplished with the aid of a stumper. The stump will be removed to a depth of 15 cm (6 inches) below the level of the surround ground. Depending on ground conditions, stumps can be removed to a maximum depth of 75 cm (30 inches), if required.
Underground roots (non-visible) will not be shredded.
If the composition of the soil is not known, the depth of the stump removal may vary slightly. In addition, in the case of unexpected obstacles that cannot be moved, such as concrete, rocks, metal stakes, etc., stump removal may not be sufficient.
Useful Information
You are responsible for determining the location of the various public utilities (e.g.: Gaz Métropolitain, Hydro-Québec, Bell Canada, Vidéotron, etc.). Contact Info-Excavation at 1-800-663-9228 (toll-free). You are responsible for determining the location of municipal drinking water valves, irrigation systems, pipes for pools, underground wiring, etc.